

Together with E. coli and coliforms, this bacterial group, which is part of the bacterial flora of the intestine, is used as an indicator of Good Manufacturing Practices, and a high count would indicate a deficiency in the production process. 


Its absence would ensure both the microbiological quality of the food, as well as the correct hygiene and sanitation techniques at critical control points. 

In Condalab we are aware of the information is never enough when it comes to ensuring the consumer´s health. To do so, we put at your disposal this straightforward document with the ISO 21528:2017. 


What will you find in our workflow? 

  • The reference method according for the detection and enumeration of Enterobacteria. 
  • References for all the products required to implement the detection method.  
  • Relevant information concerning this group of bacteria and its epidemiology.  


Download it now and don't miss your chance to obtain the protocol according to ISO!